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Anthro/FurRy, Human, animal, Fantasy, monsters, cryptids, lgbtq+, nsfw/erotic imagery, d&d, select fan-art, my ocs, simple weapons/armor, horror, gore


Characters under the age of 18 in sexual situations, highly extreme sexual fetishes (see CONDITIONS below for more info), mech, complex armor/weaponry, robotics 


How To Commssion

Make sure I am actually open for commissions. My status is typically in the banner above or mentioned via social media.


Know what you're looking for. Check my prices and commission options via my list and make sure to read through my ToS before considering a commission from me.



You can contact me via email at or through FurAffinity note, but the fastest ways to contact me are through:

  • Discord @Mushabon#2850

  • Telegram @Mushabon

  • Twitter @Mushabon



Provide the following:

  • Type of commission you want.

  • Image references and/or a brief description of what you'd like.

  • Your Paypal information to send the invoice to. (I require payment within 2 days of commissioning unless stated otherwise and will not begin until its received.)

PLEASE make sure you have ALL the information upfront as I will offer limited revisions. For example, if your character is suppose to have a beard, but doesn't have one in the reference, let me know up front.



Wait for approval pieces. First a rough concept sketch for approval, then a line art sketch. If these are approved I will go on to finish the rest of the piece. I may also contact you with updates or if I require more information.


And that's it!



1. How long does it take to finish a piece?
I don't usually have a set time frame for finishing a piece. I have many set obligations outside of my art schedule so it usually takes me longer to get a piece out. Depending on how big a piece is it can take anywhere from a week to a month to finish. I can often provide an estimation of time if asked and I will update when I know it will take longer than expected.


2. what FORMS OF payment do you accept?

I accept all payments via Paypal through invoice unless specified otherwise.



I do accept art trades from time-to-time. However, I am fairly picky about who I will do a trade with. You can send me an email at or note me through Discord, FurAffinity, Twitter, or Telegram if interested. If I don't get back to you or I am uninterested, please don't take offense. Sometimes I just get too busy to take on trades.


4. DO YOU ACCEPT Requests?

I will take requests for my OCs only, but they are not guaranteed to be made.



I do both SFW and NSFW. I'm fine with many fetishes and I'm not one for kink-shaming, but some I will absolutely not do (see Terms and Conditions below for more information). Basically, if its illegal irl I will absolutely not do it on a piece, nor will I do scat/urine/vomit, vore, or anything that makes me uncomfortable doing. No exceptions


6. Can I commission my character with your characters?

I love including my own characters in a piece so long as they remain fairly canon. Characters such as Mush are pretty open ended and can be placed anywhere. This goes for both SFW and NSFW pieces. Just ask if you're curious!


7. What if i need a refund?

Please see my Terms and Conditions below for more information on my refund policy.


8. DO YOU only do furry art?

...Did you not read the first section?


9. I heard you give out special discounts?! I want one!

How did you even- you know what, nevermind. I do have a secret BADGERS ONLY discount that applies to all badger OC pieces, but you didn't hear that from me...



By accessing and using this service, the customer accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms and provision of this agreement. In addition, when using these particular services, the customer shall be subject to any posted guidelines or rules applicable to such services. Any participation in this service will constitute acceptance of this agreement. If the customer does not agree to abide by the following, please do not use this service.



All payments will be made through Paypal, and must abide by their terms and conditions. Upon accepting the customer’s commission, I will request the customer’s Paypal address, and use Paypal’s invoice function to send the customer a labelled invoice for the full amount agreed upon. The invoice will be marked as due immediately - the customer has 24 hours from the time I send the invoice to pay the amount in full, unless an extension is otherwise verified by me in writing. Failure to pay the invoice within 24 hours will result in the invoice, and commission, being cancelled at my discretion. In most cases, I will attempt to contact the customer before cancelling the commission, but I am not obligated to do so. Full payment is due prior to any work commencing, unless otherwise agreed. In the event the terms of the commission are not met, Paypal provides recourse for requesting a refund.


Partial payment will be allowed only in rare instances where the terms have been negotiated by both parties. Paypal invoices in this case will be marked accordingly.


Please do not use the link on my profile page for commission payments. This link is for tips and donations only. 


Invoices will include the option to tip. This is entirely optional, but always appreciated. Doing so does not obligate me to do any additional work beyond the terms of the commission, it is a donation.



I will never disclose the user, personal, or financial information of any of my customers to any third parties, unless obligated by law to do so. Please refer to Paypal for their full terms and privacy policies.


I reserve the right to post all commissioned work to my public page on Furaffinity, and anywhere else I am displaying my work. I will attempt to include attribution as to the user who purchased the art, and if applicable, the user who is featured in it. If the customer does not want their commission to be posted, or to be identified as the purchaser for said commission, please inform me and we will make other arrangements. 



All discussions of commissions should be conducted through, Discord, Telegram, or here on my website. Should any of these options be unavailable or somehow not suited for communication, please contact me at, and indicate in the title that the email contains commission information.



I offer a variety of commission types. The terms and expectations of each will be posted at the time I make a given commission type available. Unless otherwise specified, I do offer WIP (work-in-progress) updates by providing work through sketch and line phase. After sketch and line phase I will proceed to coloring without providing WIP until work is completed. The customer is responsible for reading any and all information posted, and understanding fully the type of commission the customer is purchasing. If the customer has questions or concerns, please contact me before committing to a slot. 


Misunderstanding or misinterpretation of posted guidelines is not grounds for a refund. If I have completed your commission, there are absolutely no refunds. The work is done.


I will not draw: 

Characters under the age of 18 in sexual situations, various sexual fetishes including (but not limited to) scat, bestiality (anthro/human & animal or human & anthro/animal), watersports, inflation, vore (including digestion), re-birthing, rape, or anything with non-consensual implications. If a particular fetish or situation is not listed here, please send me a message or ask me about it. I reserve the right to refuse a commission on any grounds.


In the event the customer wants to feature a character not their own in a compromising situation, I reserve the right to contact the character’s owner for permission to depict that character in that scenario.


I reserve the right to make slight stylistic adjustments to a character or commission, but will request permission from the customer for anything substantial, including (but not limited to) significant changes or omissions to the character featured.


I reserve the right to reject commissions from individuals I do not wish to work for, and to also deny them access to my other artwork including adoptable ownership, etc. I have a private list and will not make it publicly accessible to minimize gossip. Attempts to circumvent this rule by second or third parties will also result in a blacklisting or revoking of pertaining artwork and or adoptable from both or all parties. I am allowed to decide who my artwork is for at all times.



Unless otherwise specified at the time of commission, all artwork is digital only. “Delivery” will consist of the completed art piece being made available, either publicly or privately, to the customer. If the customer has specific needs for size and resolution, the customer must tell me so at the beginning of the commission. I am not responsible for editing size and resolution unless it is requested at the outset of the commission. Larger files may be provided on request, if available. All finished art will contain my watermark, placed unobtrusively. I am under no obligation to provide an unwatermarked version of my original art.



Revisions will be obligatory ONLY in situations where I was fully and fairly informed of a detail or element, and I neglected that detail without cause or explanation. I am NOT obligated to offer revisions in situations where the customer forgot to share information, changed their mind, or is unhappy in a way that I could not reasonably have accounted for in creating the art. I will consider any revision requested, but I reserve the right to refuse outright, or request an additional fee for the change in question.

Unless the customer has obtained my written consent, neither the commissioner nor any other party may edit or alter my work in any way. This includes but is not limited to: removing my watermark, adjusting colors, adding or removing color to an uncolored or partially colored piece, adding shading or effects, and anything else which would compromise the original art. The only exception to this rule is that art may be cropped or resized for personal use, but I must still be credited for the art in some public way, and said image may not be reconfigured or included, whole or in part, in any other piece of art or media without my consent. 



I strive to complete most of my commissions in under a month. In rare situations, this will be extended, but commissioners would typically be notified in such a situation. HOWEVER, I make no guarantees about the time in which I will complete a commission. The customer MAY NOT REQUEST A REFUND on the grounds of non-completion, unless ONE of the following is satisfied:

  1. I provided a written commitment to finish a commission by a certain set date, agreed upon by both parties at the time I accept the commission. (I reserve the right to decline a commission on the basis of an unrealistic deadline.)

  2. The customer attempts to contact me about a commission, and more than 30 days passes without me responding to communicate with the customer about the commission.

  3. More than 120 days has passed without delivery of the commission, unless agreed at the outset of the commission that the piece in question may take a longer period due to difficulty, complexity, etc.


The customer is entitled to request an update on the status of the commission at any time. I will endeavor to respond in a timely and substantive way, but am not contractually obligated to do so.



Under no circumstance will I issue a full refund for completed art. A partial refund may be issued in extreme circumstances, but only upon discussion and agreement that the art delivered was not as promised. Refunds will be issued through Paypal, in accordance with their refund policy. 


Refunds, full or partial, which are requested prior to my completing the art will be issued at my discretion. Once the customer has committed to a slot and paid the invoice, I am under no obligation to offer a refund of any kind. That being said, I am reasonable. Contact me, and hopefully we can come to some agreement.     



I retain full rights to all of my work. This includes (but is not limited to) copying, editing, printing, re-posting and selling. Under no circumstance may the commissioner or anyone else claim ownership over my artwork, nor repost it as their own. My art, like all original content, is  protected by international copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.


The customer retains the rights to the characters depicted, if applicable. The customer has the right to repost the watermarked art they have commissioned, with proper artist credit. The customer has the right to make prints for personal use (con badges, posters, etc) but not for resale or commercial use. They do not have the right to sell the work under any circumstances, unless previously agreed upon when the order was made.


I reserve the right to change these terms at my discretion.


Updated October 13, 2021

Terms and Conditions
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